Sometimes, the hard work is not sufficient to earn a desired amount, and plans collapse, because the wind has turned from you. In this case, people resort to a variety in the company of the mascots. Good amulet can become a real wizard. For your pet was not just a decoration, but also helped to get everything that you want, it is necessary to strengthen it with the help of rituals. The experts of the site allow your attention effective of the conspiracy, which will give your stone a special power, making him a magnet for money and luck.

How to choose the stone-talisman
For that your stone is really became the mascot, it is necessary to take seriously his choice. Of course, you can choose the most bright or beautiful, but this does not mean that it will benefit you. During the selection of the amulet is primarily based on your date of birth.
People born at the beginning of the month, may acquire the coral, the topaz or ruby. They improve your energy and help you to quickly reach your goals.
Cat's eye, pearls and jade will agree to people born between the 10 and the 21. These stones will wake up in you abilities that you don't even have a clue, and you can easily get what they want.
If you are born between the 22 and the 31, you will cover all the precious stones. They protect you against the enemies and envious, and will remove barriers that prevent your plans.
Important to pay attention not only to the date of birth, but the day of the week, in which you are born.
People born on Monday, mount the white, bright and precious. They protect you against the negative energies and purify the consciousness of negative thoughts.
If you are born on a Tuesday, preferably red with the mascots. They will give you strength, and you can easily change your life for the better.
For children the environment is preferable to stone blue. They will have a positive impact on your energy back and you will protect them from whammy.
Violet stones have a positive effect on the emotional state of man, and are perfect for those who are born on Thursday. With this talisman, you can suppress in itself negative emotions and expel the excess of thought.
The people of Friday, have a strong energy, but sometimes it is the cause of the acrimony. In order to protect their health and protect themselves from bad decisions, buy the mascot of the green color. Its qualities are soothing to help you to think more wise and guiding force in the right direction.
Dark stones give people the self-confidence, and this is what is missing in children Saturday, to succeed in life.
People born on Sunday are creators natures, but they often lack the desire and diligence. Energy golden stones increase your thinking ability and to give additional strength.
Many do not know, what is the strong energy of nature. Even the choice of the stone mascot depends on what time of the year we are born.
In the winter, all around covered with white snow, and it is easy to guess that your amulet should be light. The stone of white color, clean the consciousness of the negativity, give the extra energy and remove negative emotions. They protect against damage and whammy, attract good luck.
The spring is a synonym that we have with the advent of the first green, with the awakening of all living beings. If you are born in this wonderful time of the year, you will draw closer to the precious shades of green. They will load your energy, background, and you will be able with new forces, to proceed to the realization of his plan.
In the summer, nature gives off an enormous amount of positive energy, so in the summer, the stones have a strong energy, as people born at this time of the year. The mascot of blue sky will be for you an excellent defender and an assistant. It will attract into your life wealth and success.
In the fall everything around is preparing to sleep, and people who are born at this time, have little energy. Bright shades, on the contrary, have a strong energy, and the red stones are able to give you strength.
How about the peter-porte-bonheur the lucky

If you feel that your plans collapse, and cherished goals seem out of reach, can be turned back to you, good luck. In this case, buy a talisman that you can choose the date of birth, and after that it is spend with him a simple ritual. You will need a candle, a mirror and your amulet.
To light a candle and put it in front of a mirror. It is important that it reflects the flame of a candle, and yourself. Tighten firmly in the hand of your stone-talisman and say:
"My luck, do not leave me in difficult moments. Do not turn away from me. Only upon you I rely. Let all of my goals will be within reach, and thanks to you, the reach-I. Let all my failures through the mirror into another world to go, and I'm here for the happiness of their iea".
Wait for the candle to burn all, take all that remains, and bury with a mirror, away from his home. If all the actions are performed correctly, soon you will notice a positive result.
How to speak stone-lucky on the wealth
The instability of the financial situation can seriously damage our lives. Very often, the day to day work and efforts do not help to obtain the reward. With the efficient help of the conspiracy, you can give your lucky charm a special power that helps them to improve their financial situation.
To do this, you'll need some coins and stone, who you want to talk about. Money is necessary to make a circle, put it in the middle of the mascot and say:
"As the stone of my money around, and I'm still in the money will. The mascot of the high even protects them, and the richness of the draw. Similarly, poverty is still a part of me bypasses".
After that, take the amulet and wear it always with you, and the parts take the next day.
If you have decided to speak to you about your stone, it is important for all the stages of a ritual is performed correctly. A lot of people complain that the amulets did not provide the results, and cease to believe in their strength. In this case, check if you're entitled to your mascot. Let your dreams come true are executed.